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Battery Selector

Select the battery model for your forklift 

User Downloads

Industrial Batteries


Good practices

Industrial Chargers

User/Install Manual

User/Install Manual

  • When should I add water to my battery?
    Water should be added to the battery once a week after a complete charge with equalization, if necessary. Never before charging.
  • How often should I have my battery inspected ?
    We recommend having the battery inspected every year in order to optimize life and assure uptime, forecast replacement and budgeting.
  • Why clean the battery?
    It is essential to keep batteries consistently clean and dry to prevent short circuits, self-discharge, and explosion risks. Evaluate yearly clean of your fleet by Battelec's service team.
  • How long should my battery run ?
    Typically, forklifts are designed so that batteries will run 6-8 constant hours of motor usage.
  • What is my battery life expectancy ?
    Varies according to maintenance, usage and chargers. In general, we expect more than 80% capacity retention for 5-8 years in conventional charging, 4-6 years in opportunity charging and 3-4 years in fast charging. In good conditions, Battelec Rhino Batteries will offer more than 1700 full cycles at 80% depth of discharge.
  • How to fill the battery with or without a water system?
    Regardless of the system used, the basic rule is to never fill the water beyond 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the internal plates of the battery. For more information on filling options, feel free to contact us.
  • Can you recycle Lead Acid batteries ?
    Yes, in fact lead acid battery has a 99% collection rate in Canada, making it Canada's most recycled consumer product. Contact Battelec to arrange collection.
  • When is it best to perform an opportunity charge?
    With a suitable charger, whenever the battery remains unused for more than 15 minutes, it should be plugged in, such as during breaks or meals, for example. Opportunity charging should not be attempted with a conventional charger.
  • What is an equalization charge?
    Equalization charges are used to protect the battery's lifespan and maintain its capacity. The equalization charge is performed after the normal charge once a week.
  • How often should I charge my battery?
    With smart chargers, charging the battery should be done after each full workday when more than 20% of capacity is consumed, although this may vary depending on your usage, plug every weekend regardless for the automatic equalize charge. In all cases, it's recommended not to consume more than 80% of the battery before recharging it to avoid any stress to the battery or the forklift.
  • How often should I have my charger inspected ?
    We recommend having the charger inspected every year in order to optimize life and assure uptime, forecast replacement and budgeting. If the charger is opportunity type, it's even more critical to get chargers calibrated yearly in order to optimize battery life, double check opportunity/equalize, battery modules settings and state of the backup 3V battery for the real time clock, DC plugs, etc.
  • My battery emits an odor, is this normal?
    Odors are common with lead-acid batteries. Odors will most commonly happen at the beginning of battery life, sometimes during the formation cycle, during sulfation, or when the battery reaches the end of its life. It is advisable to have the battery inspected if odors become too intense.
  • My battery is loosing run time
    It's likely that it's time to get your battery inspected by a technician, to analyse if the battery needs a fix or a remplacement. Call Battelec service team for a field inspection.
  • Why is there corrosion on my battery?
    Corrosion generally occurs in case of water overflows due to wrong watering practices, splashes, or acid vapors. The acid solidifies and damages the battery components. In case of excess corrosion, get the battery inspected and cleaned.
  • What is the effect of a dead cell?
    Cell degradation or failure leads to a systematic reduction in the autonomy of your battery, significantly decreasing its efficiency.
  • Why did my battery overflowed during charge ?
    Most likely electrolyte level was too high or filled at the wrong time. Water should be added to the battery once a week after a complete charge with equalization, 1/4 of an inch over the plates, only if necessary. Never before charging.
  • Why are my charger or battery cables over heating ?
    If your charger or battery cables are overheating, it could be due to overloading, poor connections/connectors, incorrect cable size, high ambient temperatures, or faulty equipment. If unsure, have equipment inspected by Battelec service team.
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